To all: This blog is a work in progress

Dear readers,

I created this blog as a teaching tool — for myself and my Boston University Journalism 304 class in multimedia storytelling.

It’s most definitely not ready for prime time.

But someday … perhaps after I finish grading my students’ blogs.  Which are much, much better than mine.

Bear with me, Andrea




Kyler Sumter

Because your love is greater than life, my lips will glorify you. i will praise you as long as i live -psalm 63: 3-4

Matthew Doherty

JO304 Blog

Journalism Works

Emre Ertugrul | Boston University 2018


Adjunct professor Andrea Panciera's practice blog for Boston University's JO304 class

Yaochi Fu's storytelling

Journalism Student Yaochi Fu's blog for Boston University's JO304 class

Samantha Kim

a journalism student in Boston